Hangar 1 Rosé Vodka 750ml
Fresh and light, Hangar 1 Rosé is a unique vodka crafted with the finest ingredients. Grown in the quality-rich San Joaquin Valley and blended with Californian Petit Verdot and Meritage wine grapes, Hangar 1 Rosé delivers a crisp, clean taste with hints of cranberry. Enjoy this luxe vodka as it was meant: on the rocks, or in your favorite spritzers and cocktails.
A perfect blend of the brightness of rose and the concentration of vodka brings out a bold and rounded taste to the Hangar 1 Rose Vodka. The aromatic, fruity flavor and pink color make Hangar 1 Ros the perfect choice for dinner dates, parties, weddings, and valentines. Can be paired with Mexican foods.
Color: Delicate, pale, brilliant pink
Aroma: Floral with notes of honeycrisp apple, sweet pea blossoms and a hint of oak
Flavor: Silky and soft, with notes of berry and
wood and a crisp acidity
Finish: Fresh, with hints of cranberry lingering
on the finish